Huddersfield's leading mobile 1-1 personal training company




One thing we won’t do is take your current lifestyle, put it in the bin and totally replace it, we know from experience this simply will not last.

So we sit you down, 1-1 with a nutritional expert and go through your existing nutrition and lifestyle in detail, make any necessary changes and then tweak what you already had to provide an industry leading result.

This ensures you get a result and keep it that way forever!

  • We provide solid Nutritional Facts
  • Teach you all about Human biology
  • Tailor a Nutrition plan around foods you enjoy
  • We take a look at your current personal and professional lifestyle & tailor a sustainable Nutrition plan
  • No Fads
  • No diet plans
  • Just solid facts & Solid results

We know the secret! - All to often nutritional advice goes only as far as “here is a diet sheet please eat this, now lets do some exercise” Frankly this is the road to no where for a number of reasons.

Firstly the fore mentioned diet sheet is obviously generic and does not factor in your individual lifestyle challenges, like & dislikes or quite crucially your existing nutritional in balances and/or deficiencies let alone your own goals and nutrient levels needed to achieve them. Basically what we are saying is that there is no such thing as perfect nutrition, well at least not for the average person anyway.

We believe that a result is based on sustainability. If you lose 3 pounds one week and gain it back the following week then is this really a success?

We would rather get your nutrition 80% perfect, allow you to bend the rules every now and again and simply ensure that this enables you to consistently keep losing body fat, gaining muscle, size and strength with tailored nutrition based some what around your existing lifestyle.


Mon - Fri. 6:30 AM - 9:00 PM